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  • Waiting List Status
  • Program Type
    Texas Housing Choice Voucher
  • Phone Number
    Will soon be updated
  • Location
    115 North Adelaide Street Terrell, Kaufman County, Texas 75160
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The Terrell Housing Department Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher waiting list is closed. There is no notice of when this waiting list will reopen.

The THD last accepted applications for this waiting list from March 21, 2022, until April 18, 2022.

To apply during the opening period, applicants were required complete the online application.

The maximum income limit for each household size were listed on the public notice.

This waiting list had the following preferences: Preferences are given to the elderly, disabled, and families with children.

  • To be designated as an elderly family, the head, co-head or spouse of the household must be 62 years of age or older.
  • To be designated as a disable/handicap family, the head, co-head or spouse of the household must be disabled. Verification of disability benefits or verification of disability from a medical professional is required to grant this preference.
  • To be designated as a family with children, the child(ren) must be under the age of 18 years of age at the time of the application and they must be residing in your household. The child(ren) must be your biological child, adopted child or court-awarded child.
  • A local preference is given to families involuntarily displaced as a result of natural disaster or government actions within the last six months. Certification from a unit of government concerning displacement due to natural disaster or certification from a unit of government concerning displacement due to code enforcement or public improvement/development or displacement by inaccessibility of a unit is required to grant this preference.

It was not known how applicants will be placed on the waiting list.

For more information, visit the THD website.

Sources: This information was verified by the THD public notice on March 16, 2022.

Service Area

This waiting list is for rental assistance in Terrell, Texas.

How to apply

  • Find and contact the housing authority
  • Determine your eligibility and apply
  • Receive the rental voucher
  • Find affordable apartments
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