Mary Grace Memorial Foundation
- PO BOX #1822 Medina, OH 44258
About This Building
Offers grants that are reviewed monthly to help cancer patients and their families with utility bill payment, mortgage and rent payment. HOW SERVICE IS PROVIDED: Web site, by mail and by phone. WHO QUALIFIES: Must be a resident of Medina County. Must be a cancer patient or have a family member receiving cancer treatment in order to apply for assistance. Reviews grant applications once per month. Assistance only offered once a year per family. HOURS OF SERVICE: Varies FEES: Free REQUIRED DOCUMENTS: Completed application; Written proof of medical condition from doctor. HOW TO ACCESS: Visit web site 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week for information and to download application. Patient may contact foundation directly but all payments are sent directly to the mortgage, rental or utility company. SERVICE CONTACT PERSON: Director SITE DESCRIPTION: Offers grants as financial assistance to cancer patients and their family members. Additionally organizes annual Race with Grace fundraiser to benefit cancer research and other cancer related non-profit organizations.
Mission Statement: The Mary Grace Memorial Foundation was founded to memorialize Mary Grace and to help those battling all forms of cancer.
Mission Statement: The Mary Grace Memorial Foundation was founded to memorialize Mary Grace and to help those battling all forms of cancer.