Twin Rivers Opportunities, Inc.
- 318 Craven St Fort Monroe, NC 28560
- 252-637-3599

About This Building
Twin Rivers Opportunities offers the following services to clients: Section 8 Rental AssistanceThe housing choice voucher program is the federal government's major program for assisting with affordable, decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the private market. The program assists income eligible participants in the following counties: Craven Jones Pamlico Family Self-Suffciency Program (FSS)The US Department of Housing and Urban Development's Family Self-Sufficiency Program. Combines the use of an escrow account and coordination of local supportive services which may include: Employment Education Financial Planning Housing CounselingA one-on-one, in-house service for potential/current homeowners. Pre-Purchase Counseling is available for residents of Craven, Jones, and Pamlic Counties while Foreclosure Prevention Counseling is avaialbe for residents of any county in North Carolina. Help with buying/renting a home, defaults, etc. Services include: pre- purchase housing counseling delinquent mortgage counseling