Bellmead Apartments for Seniors
- 815 S Main St, Washington, PA 15301
- 724-223-5744
- $300 - $1061** crowd sourced

About This Building
Bellmead Apartments is a low-income apartment for seniors 62 years and older and adults 18 years of age or older with mobility impairments.
Residents of Bellmead Apartments must meet certain eligibility requirements and pay 30% of their adjusted gross income for rent.
Bellmead is a beautifully-appointed 120-unit community of one- and two-bedroom apartments.
Contact Bellmead for availability and complete details on low rent Senior housing apartments with subsidized government low-income rates.
Call (724) 223-5744 for more information.
This apartment accepts HUD subsidies.For HUD subsidized apartments, if you qualify for low income housing and they have available apartments, rent is based on 30% of your Adjusted Gross Income.Call for details.
1 bedroom apartments at location
2 bedroom apartments at location