Metowers Senior Apartments
- 1001 New Brighton Rd , Pittsburgh, PA 15202
- 412-734-4111
- Call for rent $
About This Building
Metowers provides affordable housing for persons 62 years of age or older or 18 years of age or older if physically disabled and applying for a designated accessible unit with special design features for the physically disabled. Metowers is approved by HUD for Section 8 subsidies. Rent is based on 30% of adjusted gross income. The complex features 98 one-bedroom apartments.
HUD requires full financial disclosure for all applicants. Applicants must qualify under income limits set forth by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. All income is to be included except that approved for exclusion by HUD. In addition, Methods, Inc. required that Rental, Credit, and Criminal Background History be acceptable.
Call (412) 734-4111 for complete information.