Bending Brook Apartments
- 2584 Augustus Ct, Urbancrest, OH 43123
- 614-875-8482
- $100 - $771** crowd sourced

About This Building
This is a low income apartment.
Bedrooms: 1, 2, & 3The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner.
They charge lower rent for low income persons.
Contact this apartment for low rent Familyhousing with subsidized government low income rates.
Call 614-875-8482 for more information.
This is a Homeport Community:Homeport owns 2,369 affordable rental apartments and homes in 35 communities.
Its 6,200 residents, families and seniors, can access a broad range of services ranging from after school programming to emergency assistance for rent and utilities.
Homeport partnerships also link its residents to food, furniture and employment assistance as well as medical and mental health services.
Homeport is a leading provider of homebuyer education and budget and credit counseling for Central Ohio.
This apartment accepts HUD subsidies.For HUD subsidized apartments, if you qualify for low income housing and they have available apartments, rent is based on 30% of your Adjusted Gross Income.Call for details.
1 bedroom apartments at location
2 bedroom apartments at location
3 bedroom apartments at location