Freeport Housing Authority
- 240 S Main St, Freeport, NY 11520
- 516-623-2508
- $290 - $1562** crowd sourced

About This Building
Provides Affordable Housing & Other Services To Low/Moderate Income Families.
The mission of the Housing Authority of the City of Freeport is to promote adequate, affordable housing, economic opportunity, and a suitable living environment for the families we serve. We do this by providing and maintaining safe, quality housing in a cost effective manner; by partnering with others to provide rental assistance and other related services to our community all in a non-discriminatory manner.
In order to be considered for public housing, you must be income eligible and meet our established resident guidelines. Various factors play into our decision-making process; however, we understand each situation is unique. That is why we try to look at the big picture for each applicant and understand his or her unique circumstance. Please keep in mind that a background check and information from previous landlords will all be considered during this process. The Head of Household, Co-Head, or Spouse must be eligible and able to get the required utilities in their name to lease an apartment. The utility companies for this areas are Commonwealth Edison (Com-Ed) electric service and Nicor gas service.
All apartments are filled from our waiting list. Please note, just because your name is on the list does not mean you have been approved for residency. We begin the verification process when you name gets closer to the top of the list. There is one single waiting list for the developments. Within the list, it is divided by unit size to determine who is offered the next available unit.
To find your position on the waiting list, please call the main offices at 815-232-4171 extension 1010. We ask that you place a call once a month. If your position changes within the time frame to the top of the list, the Resident Selection Coordinator will be placing a call to you to congratulate you on your position status moving up and at that time an appointment will be made for you to come and complete the second application.
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm