Riverside Terrace Family Residence
- 29 Harris Place, Paterson, NJ 07514
- 973-345-5080
- $100 - $800** crowd sourced
About This Building
Paterson Housing Authority Public Housing Apartment.
This property is the oldest in HACP's stock with 300 units. HACP has invested millions of capital fund dollars over the years to maintain a safe and decent environment for the residents. The property meets the HUD classification of a severely distressed site; hence, revitalization of this property will be undertaken in the near future.
It is the PHA's policy to admit qualified applicants only. An applicant is qualified if he or she meets the following criteria:
Heads of household where at least one member of the household is either a citizen or eligible non-citizen.
Has an annual income at the time of admission that does not exceed the very low income limits for occupancy established by HUD and posted separately in the PHA offices.
The Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998 authorizes PHAs to admit families whose income does not exceed the low-income limit (80% of median area income) once the HA has met the annual 40% targeted income required of extremely low income families (families whose income does not exceed 30% of median area income).
Provides a Social Security number for all family members, age 6 or older, or will provide written certification that they do not have Social Security numbers;
Meets or exceeds the tenant Selection and Suitability Criteria as set forth in this policy including the attendance and successful completion of the PHA's pre-occupancy class.
The policy of the PHA is to ensure that all families who express an interest in housing assistance are given an equal opportunity to apply, and are treated in a fair and consistent manner.
For more information regarding Low Rent Public Housing Program, please contact 973-345-5080.