Montgomery County Housing Opportunities Commission
- 10400 Detrick Avenue, Kensington, MD 20895
- 240-773-9399
- $879 - $879** crowd sourced
About This Building
Provides PUBLIC HOUSING:Subsidized rentalsowned by the Housing Opportunities Commission Call:240-773-9399. Also provides information on propertiesthat offer housing units to rent for low- ormoderate-income persons inthe county.
Other Services:
BELOW MARKET RENTS FOR PEOPLE WITHMODERATE INCOMES: The Housing Opportunities Commission of MontgomeryCounty rents townhouses, condominiums and single family homes at reducedrates to people with moderate incomes. Located in dozens ofneighborhoods throughout the county. For more information call240-773-9135.
HOUSING CHOICE VOUCHER:ProvidesHCV(Housing Choice Voucher) rental housing and HCV housing vouchers tolow-income families and elderly. Amount of rent to be paid is based onincome. Call or visit website for information on application processandcurrent availability. Offers counseling and other services toresidents. Helps persons on waiting list to apply for other 240-773-9000.
Office Hours: Mondays Through Fridays 8:30am - 5pm.