Rockford Housing Authority
- 223 S Winnebago St, Rockford, IL 61102
- 815-987-3830
- $200 - $1000** crowd sourced
About This Building
The Rockford HousingAuthority provides assistance through a variety of programs establishedby Congress and funded through the Department of Housing and UrbanDevelopment. These programs include:
Low Income Public Housing
Public Housing provides assistance for low-incomefamilies, the elderly and people with disabilities. In Rockford, thisprogram includes a variety of housing opportunities, includingmulti-family developments, high-rise towers and scattered site homes.The Rockford Housing Authority's low-income public housing programincludes four family developments that consist of one-to-six bedroomapartments totaling 669 units. Also included are four high-rise towers,which house elderly residents and residents with disabilities. Theseapartments house approximately 1,000 families.
The Rockford Housing Authority has made a commitment to develophousing for persons with special needs. Under the low-income publichousing programs, three developments were developed to accommodatepersons with disabilities.
The Rockford Housing Authority also has a very active scatteredsite rental program that consists of single-family and duplex homeslocated throughout Rockford. The RHA owns and maintains 333 scatteredsite homes under the low income public housing program.
Section 8
The Rockford Housing Authority administers over a thousand HousingChoice Vouchers. In addition, the Authority also administers 330Moderate Rehabilitation units, including both family andelderly/handicapped apartments. Project-based units are predominantlydesigned for people with special needs.