Bath Street Apartments
- 821 Bath Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
- 805-963-9644
- $700 - $900** crowd sourced
About This Building
Affordable apartments. 11 two bedroom apartments. 1 - 1 bedroom apartment.
Santa Barbara Community Housing Corporation was created in 1975 as a not for profit and since then has developed over 700 low or moderate-income-housing units in our county. SBCHC has built a strong reputation for organizational stability and creativity, working with public and private housing partners and financing its projects through these various partnerships. In recent years, the agency has developed a number of projects for residents with mental illness and developmentally disabilities who otherwise would be priced out of housing in our community.
SBCHC is a not-for-profit corporation governed by a volunteer board of directors and the Executive Director supervises the day-to-day activities including a professional staff of sixteen. Under this administrative umbrella, each property has its own operating budget and in some cases its own corporate entity.SBCHC administrates 12 affiliated not-for-profit corporationsthat own each of it's housing projects. Presently, SBCHC manages 14 Multi-Family Properties totaling more than 300 units and approximately 500 residents. SBCHC operates 4 principal housing programs: