Lassen Manor Affordable Senior Apartments
- 205 North Mesa Street, Susanville, CA 96130
- 530-257-0888
- $400 - $400** crowd sourced

About This Building
Eskaton Lincoln Manor, Placerville's finest affordable senior housingcommunity, is nestled in the foothills of beautiful El Dorado County.It is situated on 3.3 acres of beautifully-landscaped grounds with amature oak tree, a rose garden, victory garden and park benches.
Eskaton Lincoln Manor is located just minutes from Highway50. The apartment complex is conveniently located close to shopping,banks, medical services, a senior nutrition program center anddoor-to-door public transportation.
Eskaton Lincoln Manor's caring staff create a warm feeling offriendship and community, enhancing residents' independence andrespecting their privacy.
Eskaton Lincoln Manor offers affordable housing to seniors 62 yearsor older and mobility-impaired adults over the age of 18. It issubsidized by HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development);therefore, income criteria must be met.
Eskaton Lincoln Manor is an Eskaton-managed community.Eskaton, a nonprofit corporation, has been committed to servingcommunities in Northern California since 1968. Eskaton's primary missionis "to enhance the quality of life of seniors through innovativehealth, housing, and social services." A nonsmoking policy applies tothis location.